Tonight we will be working on our public service announcements (PSAs) for our lovely university using iMovie. If you haven't edited video before, I think you will really enjoy the process. In order for you to edit sound, you will need headphones. . .I told you all about a month ago that you should bring headphones to class. Try to remind your friends that tonight it is especially important to avoid the cacophony that will occur if too many of your peers forget.
Last week, we began the mindmaps for your TaskStream narratives. If you were on of the many who was absent, discuss with a peer what you missed. Also, there are a number of students who didn't leave a comment from last week. Even if you were absent, you can leave a comment.
There are still quite a few assignments that you are probably working on; however, after tonight, you will only have your TaskStream narratives to complete. This should give you plenty of time to catch up if you are behind and allow you to concentrate on completing your TaskStream narratives early if you are ahead. Please don't hesitate to ask me if you need any help. . .I am always in the lab early.
This week's Question: What has been your most challenging assignment in this class and why?
The assignement themselves arent difficult. It is pushing myself to get them done and avoid procrastinating that is the real challenge!
ReplyDeleteFor me, the most challenging assignment in this class was the NETS paragraph. That was cruciaaalll!!! (in this context, crucial means intense/crazy)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Shay in that the assignments themselves aren't difficult, but also the fact that I have so much to get done that's due around the same time! I love that you gave us a lot of assignments at the beginning of the semester, unlike my other teachers. I think I'm struggling with the NETS Narratives, because I tend to fluff my writing and I just have a hard time being creative.
ReplyDeleteThe most difficult assignment for me to complete was the Excel crossword puzzle. There were so many specific steps to follow and I had a hard time thinking of clues for the words I chose. I also made several mistakes and had to go back and fix them.
ReplyDeleteNETS paragraphs might definitely be the death of me. The first one was definitely a painful struggle, I just couldn't get how the first one was supposed to be written and kept trying to go against how I usually write. Hopefully the others will come with ease...
ReplyDeleteThe most challenging assignment in this class for me has been the NETS Narratives because it was so detailed and specific on what we need to include in the paragraph.
ReplyDeleteThe most difficult assignment this far is probably just coming to class haha. No I overall love this class and I have learned so much but I think the hardest assignment has been the NETS paragraphs. There kind of confusing for me so yeah...
ReplyDeleteI found the Cyber Safety website collaboration to be the most challenging because I really felt like I needed to be sure that all the information was current. I felt the most pressure to be sure that I researched it well, it was interesting, and the layout was easy to read.
ReplyDeleteThe prezi!I thought it was a cool system and the assignment itself was helpful but it took me forever to finally learn how to use it. I wanted to have those cool flip transitions but never figured out how. :(
ReplyDeleteI had a not so wonderful time figuring out how to get the drop text feature to work in my newsletter which led me to redo it all together... other than that, I am looking forward to the NETS narratives challenging me the most out of the semester's assignments list.
ReplyDeleteI had the hardest time with the NETS Narrative. For some reason that assignment caused me quite a bit of stress. Im glad it's over with, but Im not very excited about completing the rest of them.
ReplyDeleteI think the most difficult task were anything to do with NETS. I find it hard to decipher all of their language and apply it to my own work. I am not good at English and find it difficult to connect the dots with all these different concepts...
ReplyDeleteI think the most difficult assignment for me was the PLN journal. I thought this was very time consuming and there were multiple areas we needed to write about and look into. It wasn't difficult, just the most time consuming...
ReplyDeleteTo me the most difficult assignment has been the TPE Narratives because they are so high profile and are a lot of writing that I don't want to do.
ReplyDeleteI will say two instead of one, and they would be the NETS Narrative and the journals. They are not hard, but really time consuming, but in general i love this class
ReplyDeleteEvery assignment in this class has been a challenging and amazing experience! I feel as though I have learned so much useful information and technology tools. So far through my entire college and education this has been my personal favorite class. In all honesty the assignment that feels as it is the most complicated of all of our very intricate assignments would have to be the NETS narratives. Seems as though the NETS assignment has every student in the class a little overwhelmed!
ReplyDeleteshoot. I have enjoyed every assignment because I have learned so much. I have actually learned things thatI can take with me, so far none of my other classes have been that way. The only difficult part is the time. I have cme to realize how neat the mac comuters are so I only work on school work, at school. Then the computer is distracting enough! That would be all I would have to say!
ReplyDeleteI would have to say a lot of the assignments have been challenging just because I am not very good with computers, but I have to say I have loved every assignment thus far and I have learned so much. I am excited to take these new tools that I have learned and apply them to my everyday life and into the classroom when I become a teacher. Every assignment takes time and thought but it is well worth it and the end result is awesome.
ReplyDeleteThe most challenging assingment in this class has definitely been the Task Stream Narratives. While I love to write and consider myself fairly proficient at academic writing, I felt I was writing in a language that I was not comfortable in when doing the narratives. Although as I begin the remaining narratives I feel that I am getting much more comfortable with the language and the writing is flowing much more easily.
ReplyDeleteI think that the most difficult assignment was the PLN and narratives. Both of them require much work, and are always changing. I think that if I had more time, or maybe dedicated more time to them it would come easy. So I think my procrastination is the most difficult assignment of the class. :)