Here are the steps:
1. Click Here to sign-up for the certification program. (I will give you the code in class)A few reminders. . . Even if you did not attend class, you need to answer the weekly question. Don't forget to check Twitter and our hashtag #ed422 to keep up on class information.
2. Click Here to access the certification website.
3. Follow the tutorials by row, check out the webinar assignment & take the webinar quiz.
4. Repeat the process until you complete the four tutorials.
5. Take the final exam.
6. Wait for your confirmation email that you have been certified. . .
7. Forward the confirmation email to me: jheil65@gmail.com
8. Celebrate your new skill by sharing with friends and family!!
Lastly, the San Diego Computer Using Educators is having the Fall Conference right here at CSUSM. I mentioned this last week, but I want to remind you again. I would also like to put out a plea for student volunteers. We have over 900 people registered for the event and there is a great need for more volunteers. If you are willing to volunteer for two hours, I would excuse one absence (keeps you from having to write any extra journals). Here is the link to the volunteer website.
This week's Question: What would be your ideal teaching job? If you are not an aspiring educator, what is your ideal job?