Tonight, I want to ensure that everyone can get the Diigo Tagroll on her blog (as a tabbed page) and I might even show you how to put your newsletter on a blog page as well. I have graded everything that is due and even some things that aren't due until this evening (School 2.0 & Diigo), so please check your gradebook to see if you have any revision to do. I am also giving you a gentle reminder that the journals 1-5 is due next Friday. If you haven't completed 1-3, it is going to be more work than it should before the deadline :-(
To begin the evening, I will answer any Prezi questions that you may have and then I will show you how to use GoogleForms to create your assessment. Remember that you will be presenting these to your peers next week and they will be taking your assessment of your presentation. We will also begin to write the NETS-I collaborative narratives for TaskStream. NETS I will be completed in pairs on GoogleDocs.
It is nice to see so many people using Twitter for both questions and the posting of resources. . .Thank You!
A note to my Type A Students: Remind me to tell you about Jing as an alternative way to present the Prezi.
This Week's Question: If this class were Pass/Fail, would you try as hard? Why or why not? (it's okay to be honest, your answers will not be held against you)
Honestly, I am the type of person that never misses an assignment. I am chronically late to classes, but every teacher can rest assure that all assignments will be done, and done correctly, on time. Even in a pass/fail situation I would still complete everything, that's just who I am. I am not a Type A, although in regards to schoolwork, some would argue that I am. I think that when we were doing the booking marking, the one with the psychological assessment, I got linguistic as one of my matches. In the description it said that people who are very linguistic tend to be very good at school work. So maybe I can attribute my need to achieve, partly to this.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I am the type of person that never misses an assignment. I am chronically late to classes, but every teacher can rest assure that all assignments will be done, and done correctly, on time. Even in a pass/fail situation I would still complete everything, that's just who I am. I am not a Type A, although in regards to schoolwork, some would argue that I am. I think that when we were doing the booking marking, the one with the psychological assessment, I got linguistic as one of my matches. In the description it said that people who are very linguistic tend to be very good at school work. So maybe I can attribute my need to achieve, partly to this.
ReplyDeleteWhen you ask if this class is a pass/fail, it is hard for me to decide whether I consider that to be a good thing or not. I try to always have every assignment completed on time and give 100% of my effort to each task. In fact, I would prefer this grading method since there seems to be so many assignments, but I would also want to be rest-assured that each assignment is for our own individual benefit (as it seems so far). Everything we have learned in this class, which is ALLOT so far, appears useful in our everyday lives as well as a fundamental part of our education. So in this case, if the students in the class were to not take advantage of the learning opportunities this class is providing us, it would be out of ones own ignorance. Pass/Fail, I say what the hell... Why not?
ReplyDeleteI would try just as hard because I find the class interesting. To be honest with you I don't really ever look at what kind of grade I'm getting in a class unless I feel like I'm falling behind. I always try my hardest and get frustrated when I don't understand something. Pass/Fail or letter grade its all the same to me. But whether I can come to my teacher or not makes or breaks the class for me.
ReplyDeleteIf this class was a pass/fail class I would try just as hard because this class you have to put the full amount of effort in no matter what. If you do not put the full amount of effort into this class it will reflect on your work. I always put everything into each assignment but there are times that things get a little crazy and I am not able to do every assignment to my full potential. For the most part though I believe the teacher sees that you are putting in the effort and grades accordingly. I think if this class were a pass/fail class people would not try as hard and not make a full effort.
ReplyDeleteI would probably make the same effort either way. I really want to learn as much as I can so that I can take what I learn with me in my own future classroom. (hopefully) I love to learn new things and being in the classroom is so much more than a grade or pass/fail at this point in life.
ReplyDeleteI take every class as a pass/fail because I feel that there is a reason why I am in school paying thousands of dollars for a few classes and that is to to learn. I try my best to be my best and if I were not trying hard enough than I think I should not be in school to begin with. I pay attention and I try my best in this class and I am learning and doing many things I never thought I would (ie. Twitter). I like this class and I will keep doing my best! :) Thanks Jeff!
ReplyDeleteOf course. The end result is pretty much the same idea. You still have this pass/fail hanging above your head, why change the effort?
ReplyDeleteLike much of us in this class I tend to try my hardest on every assignment I do. I don't turn anything in until I am completely satisfied with my work! :) And anyway, who wouldn't want to do the fun assignments!? :)
ReplyDeleteI would try just as hard in the class and complete all of my assignments. I enjoy this class and feel we will use everything we learn when we become educators. I guess the only difference would be I wouldn't stress so much about the actual grade I receive. I feel most classes should be pass or fail. You either completed the work or you didn't.
ReplyDeleteIn general, if one of my classes was a pass/fail course, I may try to just get by, depending on what other things I have going on in my life. However, this tech class is definitely my favorite class of the semester, and I don't mind doing the things that we do in here :)
ReplyDeleteThis class is all about giving us resources and ideas for our future career, so i don't think it would make sense to not our your best. The work is supposed to benefit us, so if I were to not try as hard, it would disadvantage everything I am working toward. So, no, I would not work any less hard if this class was a pass/fail.
ReplyDeleteIf this class was Pass OR Fail I would treat it no differently. Specially this class that is teaching us so many new concepts when it comes to technology, I would still put as much effort as I do today. This is a very important class for me as I think it should be for everyone who takes it since we are learning this as future teacher candidates.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, I have not put forth near as much effort in pass/fail classes as I do in regularly graded classes. In my senior year of my undergraduate career, I had two pass/fail classes, and I was so worried about screwing up my 4.0, that I only put forth as much effort as I needed to pass those classes and focused the rest of my energy on the classes I needed an "A" in. However, now I am trying to focus less on the grade I get in classes and more on actually learning the material. And since this in honestly one of the most fun/interesting classes I have ever taken, I would like to think that no, would not try any less if it were pass/fail. But I can't promise ;)
ReplyDeleteI would try just as hard- 'cause that's what I do- but I would probably learn more because I would be less worried about the grade, and more engaged in using the tools to work for me.
ReplyDeleteI believe that if the class was pass or fail I would not take it. Unless it was necessary. If it was necessary, I would do my best. Otherwise, I would not pay the money to take a class.
ReplyDeleteI definitely would try as hard because I enjoy learning everything we have gone over the past couple weeks. I also know that all of this information will be extremely important to my future career as teacher who can effectively incorporate technology into my classroom. Not only are these tools important for teaching but also great for everyday life.
ReplyDeleteI know that I would try just as hard as I do now if this class was graded pass/fail. I learned a long time ago that if I am going to spend my hard earned money taking a class, I better get everything I can out of it. After all aren't we in college to learn in the first place? The only person I would be hurting by not giving my all would be myself. So, yes I would try just as much.
ReplyDeleteIf this class was pass/ fail i would try the same simply because I would like to learn even thought I would not received a "grade."
ReplyDeleteI think that with Pass/Fail classes, I only try hard enough to pass, not necessarily excel in the class. I think that I like the way this class is formatted with a grade, but flexible due dates. We all have things going on in our personal life and I would rather submit an assignment that is done well, opposed to one that is submitted just to get it done "on time". I think that I produce better work when I know that it's not the end of the world if it's turned in an hour off the due date.
ReplyDeleteNo honestly, I would not try as hard because I think I could pass pretty easily but having a grade system makes me want to strive more to receive an A.