Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 10: Three-Quarters of Awesome!

'universal thank you note' photo (c) 2010, woodleywonderworks - license: figure we are about 75% complete with this course.  I really want to tell you all that I am really impressed, not necessarily with the required work you have completed for this course, but with the work you are doing that you don't have to do.  Many of you are active on Twitter when you don't have to be(although I strongly recommend you do), many of you are putting extra effort into your blogs, and you are all willing to help your peers achieve success.   These are all qualities that I would look for if I were hiring teachers.  So, for that, thank you.
I believe that I have graded and regraded everything up through the presentation assignments.  I still have the PLN and some other projects that aren't technically do yet. . .well, I actually extended the PLN assignment another week so you can all participate in a quality educational chat, which is much more important to me than an artificial due date.
Anyway, tonight, I hope we can accomplish a few things:  I want the TaskStream narratives completed and ready to move to TaskStream (I will walk you through this process), discuss the Symbaloo certification and future use, and I will Introduce the CyberSafety Collaborative website assignment.  It shouldn't be too painful. . .Oh, and remind me to discuss my personal PLN experience with you. . .some cool things happened in the last couple weeks. . .An remind me to discuss Google+ hangouts!

This Week's Question: How would you describe yourself as a learner?  In what ways do you feel like you learn best?


  1. I learn in many ways but I would have to say the best way for me to learn is visually. If someone shows me something, it makes a lot more sense to me than audibly without physical examples.

  2. I learn pretty quickly I'd say and I really enjoy learning! I would say that I learn by example and repetition!! I sometimes won't get something until I write it over and over again. I really enjoy hands-on projects and activities too! Overall I try my hardest to learn and I really enjoy it.

  3. I am a very hands-on learner. Having a visual example of things helps me to take a mental picture and store in my brain folders for later use. I have learned throughout my college years that I learn best when I have a quiet environment to reflect and analyze information alone.

  4. I am a visual learner. I find it hard to follow things if they are only spoken. I need to write things down to remember things. I am one of those people that can tell you what the page looks like where a piece of information is, but not necessarily what it says. I learn best when teachers trust you to do your best work instead of forcing you to do things exactly how they do it.

  5. I'm not too sure. I'd say "heck yes, I'm a visual learner" but that only really applied to Color Guard. They could show me something twice and I'd understand it. But then there are things such as math that if you show me how to do the equation, I won't get it in the first few tries or heck, even the first few class sessions. It really depends. Math is also not my strong point...SO I don't know if that was the best example.

  6. Before this class, I thought I learned visually, but, I still go home after this class and completely forget how to do everything I just learned. So, I feel like I learn best when I connect what I'm learning to something that is already familiar to me. I don't know what category of a learner that would make me, but if I make connections to things, it makes me easier to learn and remember later.

  7. I guess I would describe myself as a visual and a hands-on learner. I love to do and see things instead of just hearing about them. If somebody shows me how to do something I remember it almost perfectly, if they tell me how to do it its a lot harder for me to recall.

  8. Of course learning comes much easier for me if I have genuine interest in the subject. I also feel I retain knowledge by doing things hands on. I also enjoy projects more if there are no real guidelines and teachers allow me to be creative.

  9. I learn best by doing things but I am also a visual learner. I love to try new things but I always need to see something done before I can try it. I can follow written directions but visual direction is better for me.

  10. I would consider myself a visual learner but I also learn better when I am doing hands on work. However, with well-written directions I can read something and usually figure it out pretty well. I taught myself to knit just from written directions and without someone showing me how to do it.

  11. I am a visual learner. I wish my professors used Prezi instead of PowerPoint...

  12. I am a hands on visual learner. I need someone to show me how to do what I am learning. I need that one on one attention. I'm feel like I catch on pretty quick. But at the same time I can follow written directions such as an instruction manual. I feel like I do best in an environment where I am comfortable and there are personal connections. I feel that knowing your students is the best environment because they trust you and are willing to learn.

  13. I learn better through hands-on experiences and visually. And I probably need to be told and explained things more than once, especially if the learning experience is new.

  14. After taking the Personal Learning Assessment I discovered that I and others don't just learn one way best. Why? Well, because it's logical. I love being a Logical-Mathematical learner! I like asking questions, finding solutions, and reflecting on the problem solving process. What you see is what you get. I also consider myself a great Visual-Spatial Learner; with this learning style it is fun to use art projects to create or use as representations of what you re learning. To thy own self be true... Being an Interpersonal Learner I have accepted and connected with who I am and how I feel, and I have learned my limits and abilities what I am capable of and what makes me try harder.I like to think I understand what you mean. All my life I have thrived on social interaction making me a great Interpersonal Learner. I often have friends come to me for advice because I understand and am capable of tuning in to people around me and their motives, emotions, perspectives, and moods. My ability to manage relationships helps me to understand situations and take a leadership whenever necessary! I also consider myself a Verbal-Linguistic learner, Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner, as well as a Naturalistic Learner.

  15. I would describe myself as a visual learner because although I love reading, when it comes to school I can not obtain information through reading a textbook only. I love videos but my most favorite style of learning is hands on. I think using classroom simulations it allows students to really grasp certain concepts in education. My 364 class, she really likes to use a lot of activities that require us to get up and move around the class. This is different than a lot of college classes that I have ever taken and I really have learned that this is the way I learn the best.

  16. I'm a visual learner, I almost can't get anything from reading. When i read something i have to do it over and over and over so I cant get something that I can learn in snap by just observing.

  17. I am definitely a visual learner. I like to be hands on with the material. I have to say this class has been a challenge for me because everything is online and not physically in front of me. But I do pick up things pretty quickly and enjoy learning in different situations. I think it is important that I be taken out of my normal leaning environment and try something new. I hope to as a teacher make sure I meet all children's different learning styles.

  18. Just like basically everyone else in this class, I am also a visual learner. I use that as my reason why I love History. History to me is a big story. I can picture certain events in my head like a movie and remember it easily. In general, when I take notes on lectures, I like to draw arrows a lot to connect ideas together. It helps me understand the process much more. I also like creative presentations that keep my attention. Reading a text book gets very boring and mundane.

  19. I am definitely more of a hands-on and visual learner than anything else. I love making stuff, and I learn the best when I'm teaching or showing the material i'm learning to somebody else. I also remember many things through songs. I have a song for every sentence that someone says.

  20. I am definitely a visual learner, and I learn most effectively by "doing." I also really enjoy working in groups and helping others learn, as that reinforces my understanding of a given subject.

  21. I would describe myself as a visual learner as well as a hands-on when it comes to education. When I am in a class that a professor lectures with talking it is harder for me to grasp the important information. That is one of the reason this class is my favorite this year, because I get to do things myself and I actually learn it and eventually seems easier as the course goes.

  22. I would have to say that I am a slow learner. I have come to realize that I still have no found 'my' way of studding. I enjoy learning an school. But I have a hard time remembering what I learn. I feel like I need to document everything I learn. Especially with this class. As far as my learning style is concerned,I write, and rewrite what I have trying to learn. Same with reading, i have to re read stories and book to fulling understand what I am reading.

  23. I took some time to consider this question, and I came to the conclusion that I learn best from hands on experiences and visual memory... so if I take notes on something, it works best to incorporate pictures or color coding. Also, it sinks in the deepest into my memory if I regurgitate the information- oh, my poor, poor friends.

  24. I consider myself to be a visual learner and a hands-on learner. I not only need to see something but I also need to do it myself in order to get the concept.
