The expectation from last week was that you would create your blog and give me the address. We did fairly well, but there are still some student blogs not on the blog roll. If you need help with this, please come to class early so I can help you get your blog up and running! Remind me to talk about design, and how to incorporate your images into your blog post. I asked that you get a picture of yourself on your Moodle profile. . .While I adore babies, I really want to see a picture of you so that it will help me put names to faces at the beginning of the semester. I realize that you will also have a picture on your blog, but the redundancy helps me the redundancy helps me. . .Also, you were to subscribe to ISTE and TaskStream. . .(see survey below to give me your information)
This week, I want to discuss how to better organize your iGoogle page. You will learn about RSS, which I promise is more exciting than it sounds. I'll revisit how to comment on blogs and how to make some very cool adjustments to your existing blogs. . .We will also discuss how to submit assignments, read instructions, and some general file naming conventions. I will introduce you to the journal article and scanning assignments. And lastly, yes, you will learn how to begin to incorporate Twitter into your digital lives. . .And if I have time, we will discuss Dropbox. . .
Click Here to give me your TaskStream/ISTE information.
App of the Week: Evernote
This Week's Question: What should every teacher know about you?
Every teacher should know that I have a lot going on in my life. But my education is my top priority and I love coming to class and would never miss a session intentionally. I put 100% of my effort into all of my assignments and I love homework, as long as it isn't an overwhelming amount, which is what I am feeling right now about these first weeks... All in all, I am a good student and I will try my hardest to do my best as well as help others who may need it.
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ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am a tactile and visual learner. I learn things by seeing it come to life. I learn things best when it is relative to the real world in which I live in now. I have a very difficult time with history because to me, (despite the timelines), all of my history classes have been audial.. and I do with only audial. Only when I can see the models and videos and such at historical museums, will I learn anything..
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am not afraid to speak up. You probably already know that. I am blunt and usually have no filter. I would say that I wish I had one, but that makes me who I am. Me having no filter gives me character. I say what I feel and will never feel bad for that.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy jokes and like to laugh, love to laugh...It is healthy to laugh. Usually I'm telling the jokes and I'm the only one laughing. I believe that being able to laugh at yourself is the healthiest. I like being witty too. Just the other day I had a customer that told me "humor is an art, and it's a dying, that art". I agree to the fullest.
Signing off,
Amy the Cougar.
Do I have to start with that? :D
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess every teacher should know I suck with numbers. Like hard core. Almost every single time I have to type, write or read a number aloud, I transpose the numerals. This causes me a great deal of problems because I don't realize that I've done that and I usually mess up and freak out when it's wrong.
I love reading and words and language, I can't stand numbers and math and I'm okay with sciences and history.
I'm an optimist who has to try really hard to stay optimistic amongst all the negative and I really really like being nice and positive. :3
I also use emoticons a lot in my internet writings. It just comes out naturally. :D
Every teacher should know that I am always late. It's a really bad habit, one that I've had since I can remember but unfortunately I have not been successful at breaking myself of it. Luckily for this class, I am already on campus so I will always be on time!
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am a big advocate of education. I believe that education is a right, not a privelage. It is the answer to a better future. I am very dedicated to my work and accomplishing my goals.
ReplyDeleteI am not afraid to speak up in class. I am very easy going and I love a good laugh :-) ...Judging from our first class session, I think I will be laughing quite a bit...
Im excited :-)
Every teacher should know that i suffer test anxiety. Even though I may know the material I just can't write it down =S. I'm a visual learner, and it is really hard to maintain information from reading assignments. Lastly, is that i don't ask questions even though i may have some.
ReplyDeleteWhat every teacher should know about me is that I am can't stay still, no matter how hard I try. I love to talk as much as I try to stay quiet, for the most part I know when to stay quiet, sometimes I just can't help it. I also need eye glasses so I usually sit in the front, I tend to loose my glasses alot, and I am really blind. No matter how much it looks like I'm not interested chances are I probably am.
ReplyDeleteWell lets see I think every teacher should know that I am responsible and always get my stuff done. I might be a huge procrastinator but I will always have things in on time. I really try every semester to get it done early but life happens and I can't seem to always get on top of everything. I always have a good attitude and I am a very passive person:)
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that despite being a quiet person, I will speak up when I feel like I need to. I sometimes have an easier time expressing myself through writing or through my art. Even though I am a single mom and have a lot going on in my life, I still arrive to class on time, come prepared and always give 110% to my work.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I over share in class. I love telling stories and relating what we are doing in class to my personal life, which leads to me talking a lot. By the end of a semester my classmates can usually piece together my life story just based on what I share in class. I have never been told that it is a problem, and I actually feel that I do better in classes in which I feel that I can speak up and express myself. I feel more connected to the teacher and to my classmates when we can all mutually share experiences and help each other relate to the material in different ways. I'm not very good at just absorbing material. I do much better when I can connect to whatever I am learning in a personal way. So if I talk to much in class just tell me to be quiet and I will :)
ReplyDeleteI am in the same boat as Justine, which she has probably already noticed in our other class together ;) I have always been told that if you have a question, chances are other people in the room have that same question. So, I tend to speak up a lot. I like to make sure that I understand what to do because I would hate to be that one person who completely misinterpreted something. I am open and honest about who I am and prefer it when people are the same towards me.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that no matter what I am always trying my hardest to succeed in their class. The only subject that really gets me is history. I just find it so boring and I have an extremely hard time relating it to anything, but nonetheless I have always tried to give it my all. Also, I'm not a procrastinator so I put a lot of time and effort into everything I turn in :)
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I will speak up for what I believe is right. For example, if I do see that an unlawful action is being committed I will speak up and take legal action for the safety of the students and staff. I am very honest, and open to communication. I do believe that nothing can be solved if I complain to others about someone's action but the person of whom I am complaining about. All relationships are based on respect and communication in order to be successful, callogues are not the exception.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that my life is filled to the brim, but my crazy schedule will not deter my determination. Determination is the main factor in my achievements thus far and I am confident that it will continue to be. I also believe that one is not doing their best unless they go above and beyond their conceived ability. A great deal can be achieved if you believe in yourself. I believe in myself and my determination helps me surpass my conceived limits. What you will get from me will be my ultimate best; regardless of the crazy circus I call my life.
ReplyDeleteWhere shall I start?? I believe that school should be enjoyable. Hopefully I will be he teacher that the students remember as caring, fun, and and respectable. I have plenty of energy myself and know the children will too. Being active and creative in class will be a focus point that i will work off of. I do not want my students to lose their creativity. Coming into this profession I will accept any insight that is thrown my way.
ReplyDeleteI would like every teacher to know that I put a lot of effort into every class I take. I am not one of those students that naturally understand "concepts." I am the type of student that works very hard to make sure I will do well in a class. I love enjoyable classes where humor is involved and topics/activities are changed up a bit. Routine in a class bores me. :)
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I tend to come off kind of shy and then throughout the semester I tend to open up and get comfortable. I really like classes like this because it isn't the typical sit down and take notes type but more hands on. I think class should be fun and exciting! Lastly, I LOVE kids, and I cannot wait to be a teacher to start teaching the little ones (kindergarten). That's just about it!
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I tend get distracted in class easily. I do well with discussion and class participation, not lecture. I've realized that this sometimes results in a dazed, confused or disinterested facial expression, which most likely does not stem from what the professor is talking about but moreso the bug I see on the wall or something. Although, when discussion does stir up and I am engaged in the class, every teacher should know that I am opinionated and not afraid to speak up (which doesnt always make me the most popular student in class, but I've come to terms with that). :)
ReplyDeleteHmmm, every teacher should know that even though I may not speak up in class often I am constantly listening and thinking about other peoples comments. I usually only speak up if I feel that it is very necessary or if I feel I can explain something better to someone who is still confused. Also... I'm a major procrastinator. I admit to it and try to battle and overcome it daily but I fail! Why do today, what you can do tomorrow?! :)
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I may not speak up as much as other students, but I am participating by listening and thinking to myself. I am an internal person so I don't always feel like I need to share every thought, but I still participate mentally.
ReplyDeleteI am my own top competition and critic. It would be helpful if teachers automatically knew this about me, because then I would have the courage to turn things in sooner and that would make more time for life. It is also refreshing when teachers know my name- if for no other reason than leading by example. I believe that relationships are important in a community of learners, so when teachers take the time to get to know their students, it is great modeling for us as future educators.
ReplyDeleteSomething that my teachers should know is that I am really quiet in class but once you get to know me I love to talk and get to know people. I do pay attention in class and that me being quiet does not mean that I am spacing out.
ReplyDeleteWhat every teacher should know about me, is that I am really shy, I get very nervous and panicky every time I have to speak in public. It's somewhat ironic since I want to be a teacher and you have to stand in front of people but go figure. Also that I'm a hard-working student and most of the time I am happy to learn something new in all my classes.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am not afraid of a challenge! I actually enjoy my tough classes and the satisfaction I get when I have worked extra hard to do something right (or even exceeding the guidelines of the assignment). My teachers should also know that I like to have the semester organized and extending deadlines upsets me. I like to have an idea of how to divide my time amongst all of my classes.