Can you believe you are actually using Twitter?? I have noticed that many of you are already tweeting interesting sites and tools. Thanks. As the semester continues, I will revisit this tool as an amazing part of your personal learning network (PLN). This week you will learn about social bookmarking as well as create an amazing classroom newsletter. Ensure that you have your self-portrait complete and are ready to use it in class. You were also to have your TaskStream and ISTE account/membership and you were to complete the survey from the Week 2 blog. We also have a technology self-assessment assignment to complete; however, I do have a video for how to complete this assignment which is on the Ed422 YouTube Tutorials link on the left column of the class blog. I will discuss in class how to access the video and complete the self-assessment.
I will do my best to get the first two assignments graded. I will remind you how to access your grades in Moodle/Cougar Courses. Don't forget to answer the weekly questions and to always check the blog. The journal articles are also on the class blog. . .try and keep up. . .it will make you much happier!
This Week's Question: Who has been one of your favorite teachers, at any level, and why?
One of my most favorite teachers has been Professor Lisa E. Munoz from Miramar College. She is my favorite teacher because she taught me more than writing essays and analyzing written pieces critically. She introduced me to a the powerful world of reading and learning. She is a role model to me because of her teaching style, her intellectual personality, and her generous and humble heart.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite teachers was Dr. Arnade, a history professor at Cal State San Marcos. I took his Writing Seminar in History class...it was an upper division class required to graduate and most history students dreaded having to take it. The first day, I came into class afraid of the work load I was about to encounter...Initially, he seemed strict and a little cocky. He ended up being the most down to earth and approachable professor I could ever dream of having. He challenged my writing skills which made me want to do the best I could. His encouragement and constant help made me excited to come to class each day.
ReplyDeleteThat's a hard decision....I've had so many wonderful teachers! Many of them had an impact on me some way or another. If I was forced to choose, I'd have to say Mrs. Lowe, my sixth grade Honors English and History teacher. She was kind, funny, sarcastic and all around an amazing teacher. She was always there when you wanted to talk to her, she made class super fun. She made us laugh and learn at the same time. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite professor was at Palomar college. Mr. Jahnel was the absolute best history teacher I have ever had. He always made classes entertaining and the entire class LOVED to attend. I was always sad if classes were canceled because I felt we always learned so much.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was Paul Head at Vintage High School in Napa where I grew up. I took choir all through high school and in my freshman year, it was his first year teaching. He was so passionate about music and teaching it was hard not to feel the same level of love. He made us work hard but it was always worth it. I still miss that class over 20 years later. He went on to become the choir director at the University of Delaware. There are so many people that feel similar to me that there's a group on Facebook for his past high school and college students to talk about their experiences.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was one of my Anthropology professors at UC Davis. I really enjoyed his class and respected his teaching style. He did not use very many restrictions or grades in his class. The most important thing was for you to turn up to class and participate in discussions. That was one of the largest parts of our grade. He didn't give many guidelines for his papers and wanted us to explore things on our own and do what we felt was appropriate and what we felt was a "good job". I think that that type of learning style provides students with many more opportunities to develop their own ideas and have discussions about really interesting topics.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was Ms.Stephens, she was my kindergarten 1st and 2nd grade teacher at an elementary school in Okeechobee, Florida. It was my first real school experience and Ms. Stephens was beautiful and intelligent and everything that I hoped to one day become. She was able to loop her years consecutively and progressed with me each year my first 3 years of education. She was very smart and kind. She taught me all the fundamentals while making learning a very enjoyable experience. Ms. Stephens often took the class on field trips, and other students were envious to be in her class.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher has to be Mr. Sullivan from Mira Costa College he taught me so many things. When I first started college I felt clueless but once I atended his English classes he guided me to want to be someone. I have to say that he is one of the persons that I look up to. Plus he is one of the funniest persons that I have met.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to decide which of all my teachers has been my favorite, but I would have to say Miss Smith. She was my world culture class teacher, and although i hated history she made it fun and interesting. =)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was Mrs.Dean. She was my fourth and fifth grade teacher. I probably liked her so much because I had her for two years in a row and all the students got the option to continue into fifth grade with her and everyone did so I had the same students in fourth and fifth grade too. That was awesome because when you're little it's important to build those friendships and peer relationships. She was fun and kept the class interesting. I just really bonded with her during those years and now I am very interested in teaching fifth grade.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher has to be my College speech teacher Bruce Bishop, because I had a fear of public speaking and hated getting up in front of the class. Since his class I don't mind speaking up or talking in front of a class. He made us get up everyday even if it was just to say where we lived or what our favorite food was and this really created a tight bond between our class and so it made it easier to speak. He created a very laid back environment and I really enjoyed coming to class every day and I found that to be very rare when I went to Palomar.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher is Mr. Thorn. He taught 8th grade math, but I was never actually in his class-- he was my basketball coach. He was very active in the community, church, and athletics, and always seemed be be able to balance it all.He was interested in his students as individuals, and would fight for their success inside the classroom and out. I don't know how he found the time, because he had a wonderful family of his own, but he always made us feel like we were part of it.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher of all time was probably my 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Palmer. She had a mullet... but age 8 I didn't care she was awesome. I never remember feeling sad or discouraged and she incorporated creativity into so many of her lessons. She also poured so much into each of her students, I remember always feeling like I was one of her most special students!(but in reality everyone was!) The best parts of her class were: Treasure box, growing our own plants, and making our own glazed pottery!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a hard decision, because I have several teachers that I consider my favorite. Mrs. Crumley, my third grade teacher at Deer Canyon Elementary School, made the biggest difference though. I was struggling a lot in elementary school and she helped me build my self esteem and feel confident in a classroom. I would say that she is the teacher that really started my love for education and I hope to be as great of a teacher as she was!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher would have to be Mrs. Roncaglia, my 5th grade teacher. The class was a combo class, 5th and 6th grade. Before her class, I struggled, so the format of the combination class, being very advanced and fast paced worried me. So, she put extra time to help me during and after class and definitely helped me to believe in myself.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher of all time was my 11th grade English teacher Mr. Bextler. Not only did he teach me quite a bit about English, he had an amazing way of connecting class material to everyday life. He had an incredible teaching style. He was one of the first teachers that actually made me desire to come to class every day and he helped me to love English. Unfortunately he was let go because he stood up for how he believed the material should be taught. I know I will never forget him.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was Mr. Barnes in 7th grade. He was my pre-algebra teacher, and he made learning so easy. Academics rarely clicked for me from K-12, but this was the first class where I actually understood the material. He made me want to become a middle school math teacher :)
ReplyDeleteMr. Templeton was my favorite teacher. He taught ASB. In 11th and 12th grade I was honored to take his class. He was inspiring to have only because he taught me a life lesson. “The only things that last you in this life are, your relationships with others, the memories that you had with them and your experiences in life. Those make you who you are.” With that I thought? I apply that little saying to my life everyday. In other words, live life to its full potential. Have fun.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was Mrs. Carrasco. She was my 7th and 8th grade teacher for math and social studies. Although those two subjects weren't my favorite, she not only taught me about the subject but she really showed me that she cared about me as an individual and that she wanted me to reach my fullest potential. She always went out of her way in making sure I learned. She always offered to stay after school and help us in whatever we needed help in. She made it very easy for me to feel comfortable and talk to her about anything, and unlike any previous teacher she's the only one that put it in my mind the possibility of attending a 4-year college and to some extent it is because of her that I'm sitting in this classroom today.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I begin? My kindergarten teacher was wonderful. I remember being in her class and waiting to become a teacher just like her. She was where it all began. Then in second grade I just loved how fun and hip my teacher was. as i got older i had a wonderful science teacher that was experienced knowledgeable and fun! I don't think i can pick one teacher that was my favorite. I know i have many that have influenced me and that is the reason for me wanting to become a teacher.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was my 7th grade English teacher Mrs. Lewis. She encouraged us to think creatively about the texts we were reading. We worked in small groups and would present the book we read to the class any way we wanted. Midway through the year she told us that she had cancer the year before and lost her hair because of chemotherapy. She told us that she has been wearing a wig and would take it off for us at the end of the year if we all got a B or better in her class. For some reason we all wanted to see her without her wig (weird curiosity I guess?) Everyone became very motivated to do well in her class and at the end of the year she took it off. She was very honest about cancer and had a really good attitude about it. I looked forward to going to her class because I felt she had a creative approach to learning.
ReplyDeleteI have had a lot of great teachers through my education journey. I have had some great teachers in the past couple of years in college. One of them was my reading teacher 2 semester ago. His name was Mr. Lambert. He really cared about his class and wanted everyone to succeed in his class. He was fair to everyone and I always looked forward to his class each week. Another professor I had last semester he was my Lit teacher. I have never been into reading because of having no time. But since I was forced to read i had to read the books for class. He had us reading some amazing books that I fell in love with. They were all very interesting and something that I could relate to. They were very interesting and I made them a permanent reading on my shelf!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher was my English 9 teacher in high school. He was always there for me when i needed someone to talk to about school and anything else as well. Even after 8 years I still keep in touch and he helps me as much as he can.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite teacher by far was my 8th grade math teacher. It was my first year in public school after having been homeschooled my whole life, and while I was got really good grades, I got bullied a lot and had a lot of trouble socially. She always made me feel good about myself in class, and would often check in with me after school to make sure I was OK. That was a really hard year for me, but I learned a lot, and I have Mrs. M to thank for that.