Barring any other catastrophe, natural or otherwise, we should be having class tonight. It seems a little odd to have a break in the beginning of the semester, but I know we will all be fine. . .right? Anyway, I will revisit everything tonight to ensure that you know how to wrap and/or insert images into your intro letter, how to adjust the comment settings on your blog and how to add various gadgets to your blogs. We will discuss how and where to submit assignments, as well as what to call them if they are not web-based, etc.
If you were able to scan your image, you will be able to use in your newsletter that you will start tonight. If not, you have time to get it done. I will also show you how to get your scan on your blog.

I do believe that you are supposed to have your TaskStream and ISTE accounts by now. . .please complete the survey from week 2 post to give me your information. . .You will need the ISTE account to access articles from L&L for the journal assignments. You should have noticed by now that we do indeed have 100% of the student blogs linked on the class blog. . .which is a great start.
Lastly, you will be introduced to Twitter this week. . .Don't be afraid! I assure you, it will be fun and educational.
This Week's Question: What is something you have learned well without formal teaching? How
did you learn it? This could be a sport, hobby, musical instrument,
etc. .
The one thing that I have learned well without formal teaching would be typing. I remember in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade, my friends and I used AIM a lot to talk with each other after school. I learned to type on my own just by using this instant messaging service. Ever since then I have been able to type without even looking at the keys.
ReplyDeleteI remember when my mom went back to school, she had me type up her papers because I would get it done so fast.
Another thing that I learned to do on my own would be boogie boarding (or some people call it body boarding). I started when I was 10 or 11 and I would be out in the ocean all day long. I learned to not be afraid of the ocean but not under estimate its power. I know a lot of people who are afraid to go out into the water and I can say that I am lucky that I do not have that fear.
I learned how to use the resources around me to my advantage. As a little girl I was trapped between a divorce and 2 older siblings that I couldn't really count on for support. I ended up focusing on my education.
ReplyDeleteSince I can remember I woke up early in the morning and got ready by myself and then woke my mom up to drop me off at school (2hrs prior to the start) so i could play in the playground, go to the library before school and see if my teacher needed anything. By allowing my teachers and librarians to get to know me I got into after school programs that further helped me learn. My teachers would recommend me because I would ask them too. The librarians would help me by allowing me to come into the library before open hour and they also introduced me to the public library.
Once I got to know the librarians in the children's department at the public library they helped me by tutoring me and helping me with research. I learned how to use computers and research myself from there.
Now as an adult I am able to network and find resources for myself, I'm not afraid to ask for help and I also learned that helping others is the best way to keep a positive outlook in life.
I've always been good at helping myself but I wouldn't be able to do that if I hadn't learned how to use the resources around me.
I have to say that I have extremely good organizational skills. I guess I developed these partly due to personality, and partly learned from all the Type A personalities around me (my mom and sister especially). I think this started when I was going into college. Before that I had them, but I never needed to use them until I reached college level. I guess when you get into a situation where certain skills can help you immensely, you realize just how good you are at something. I literally created my schedule, my best friend's schedule, and my boyfriend's schedule for classes much of the 4 years I was in college. I never once had to take a friday class, I ALWAYS got the classes I needed, I never took a class before 11am, I always got out of school fairly early aside from the occasional night class and I graduated in 4 years even though I attended two different junior colleges in completely different areas in the state. Now that is a huge accomplishment! When I start school at the beginning of the semester, I always write out these checklists of all the assignments and due dates and everything so I never forget anything. This has helped me to maintain solid grades and feel less stressed.
ReplyDeleteI learned how to play chords on the piano without any formal teaching. I just played by sound, and put the corresponding letters together, and now I have it pretty much memorized (although I am a bit rusty now that I haven't had time to really play the piano/keyboard over the last few years)
ReplyDeleteColor guard. While I did join the team and learn the basics, I had to learn the tricks and cool things on my own because my instructor wouldn't teach me. I would go and watch videos of larger guards and good people. I'd watch them over and over again until I thought I had it down. Then I'd go try it! This resulted in so many bruises and injuries for me, but in the end I learned to master something. The very first time I tossed a parallel, I had done it after watching my instructor toss them for fun. The stupid flag landed right on my head. The first time I tried a partner toss, I got smacked on my leg and a huge bruise formed. But in the end, the injuries were worth it because I learned something cool and awesome. Most of my guard tricks came from just observing something neat and trying over and over again. :D
ReplyDeleteI have learned so many things informally!! First of all, I learned to play tennis when I was eight years old, and continue to learn how to be better play throughout my career and through college. I also learned how to teach tennis, which is more difficult than you would think! The most recent thing that I learned how to do was how to take the Sprinter to and from school. I love public transportation, so I am pretty excited about it.
ReplyDeleteI learned how to ride a bike without anybody's help. My parents watched, but I made it clear that I didn't want any help from them and I wanted to try it on my own. My friend had just learned, so I guess I wanted to try it too.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I have learned without formal teaching is how to create, especially when it comes to food and drinks. I love to bake and cook and sometimes I'll use recipes but i usually always add other ingredients and mess around with it. I used to be a barista for a couple years and I loved inventing new drinks and flavors! Not to toot my own horn... but my creations are pretty much delicious!!
ReplyDeleteI learned how to be OCD without any formal teaching. Well that's what I call it. I can't stand my room or even my surroundings to be out of place or disorganized. I like to how where everything is, at all times! I would say I learned this from my dad. He is really OCD about recycling, believe it or not. He has specified bins for each type of material and they need to be rinsed with water and crushed. It's crazy, but I like his system. I just can't stand being in a disorganized area. It helps me find whatever I need!
ReplyDeleteSomething that I have learned with out any formal teaching is dance. I tried taking a couple of classes back in high school but before then I already love to dance any type of music. I love to watch people dance and I feel that is the way I learn myself.
ReplyDeleteI am a nanny for a few different families. They have newborn to toddlers and I have always been good with young kids. I have never been taught how to change diapers and deal with newborns it just comes naturally. I have always had motherly attributes and I enjoy being around young kids and older as well. I cant wait to be a mom and have my own family one day.
ReplyDeleteWell! I would say I have been blessed with being financially savvy. I learned early on that the more money I save, the more money I will have. my greatest example would be when I wanted to purchase my car. I knew the more i saved up, less of a payment I will have. After I purchased my car I learned haw to do a balance transfer. A transfer where i would have 0%interest. I can say my brother sister and father are NOT finically savvy!
ReplyDeleteI have learned to bake cakes, make chocolate, and cake lollipops. I like to bake so one day I just decided to do it and see what would happen. I experiment many flavors, such as dulce de leche, kahlua, tequila, mocha, and many more. I do look forward to one day get baking classes and I will, when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say cleaning and cooking. I know this may seem silly but growing up my parents worked a lot. I would always cook dinner for my younger brother and make sure the house was clean for my mom and dad when they would get home so they wouldn't have to work harder. I always would put different meals together without recipes and as I got better I would find specific recipes and put them together on my own. Cooking is still a hobby of mine today!
ReplyDeleteRight now I am actually in a class that focuses on informal learning strategies or "Adventure Based Learning." We learn by building a community through trust and challenge activities which I think is really beneficial to learn as an aspiring teacher!
ReplyDeleteAside from that, I learned how to skateboard last spring! Skateboarding is really unlike any other sport in a sense that a lot of skills are not taught by instruction, but through observation of others and personal attempt, which is why I become so intrigued with it!
I feel like I've learned how to train dogs well without any formal training. I've had Labradors all my life and went to a few dog training classes with my parents. In high school, after my other siblings left for college, my parents bought a puppy. It became my dog that I was responsible for.
ReplyDeleteAfter raising this dog in high school, I started fostering dogs at college. This helped me learn how to train and interact with different breeds of dogs. If my parents had something that they wanted their dog to do, they would ask me for my advice.
I feel like I learned to interpret dogs and use reward and other techniques to help with training. I am thinking about doing dog agility with my young terrier dog. Anyway, I think I learned how to train dogs without much formal education.
Without any formal teaching I have learned to have faith in God! With that I have been capable of learning an assortment of new things from surfing perfect waves here in California to how to be safe during a hurricane when I lived in Florida. I learned the sport of lacrosse, which I LOVE to play! I have learned how to be a caring and patient person. And I have learned that good things in life won't ever just be handed to you, it definitely has to be earned. I learned to be hard working and persistent as well as organized and punctual.... God keeps opening doors for me and with him I learn to have faith in MYSELF<3
ReplyDeleteWithout any formal teaching I have learned how to play basketball. My dad loves the sport so I guess it rubbed off on me and so he taught me all that I know. I have learned how to make smoothies at my job :)I also recently learned how to do my own laundry. Since moving out I never did my own and so this was a brand new thing for me to learn. My mom was the one to teach my this because it is something she has done for me since a few months ago. I have actually learned way to many things to think of from my parents and I am so thankful to have them in my life.
ReplyDeleteSomething that I learned without formal teaching was to use a computer. My father finally bought one as a high school student, and just learned how to use it by playing with it.
ReplyDeleteWithout any formal teaching I learned how to be a daughter and sister. It just came natural. I lived life and I was automatically awesome at it. I come from a family of 5, I lived with my parents, my sister and brother for a long time. It is an interesting thing that we are all different and play different roles in the family. I really do think that I am their favorite, but lets not tell the sibs. Being a daughter to my mom is a completely a different relationship than with the one I had with my dad. I really am blessed to have the parents I have. One piece of advice I want to share is, always tell your parents that you love them, show them you love them, and never stop being a kid with them. Your parents love you. I guess I have also learned how to be a comforter too, my father passed away 2 years ago, and I chose to be there for my mom and give her as much love as possible. Life is something that is learned without formal teaching. Experiences in this journey are not learned. So just live life to the fullest, and have fun is something that I value.
ReplyDeleteI remember taking a child development class a few years ago that talked about the benefits of babies learning sign language before they can speak. At the time I was a live-in nannny to a 5 month old. I told her parents about it. Then I taught myself and them baby sign language! The baby caught on very quick, its amazing how much they understand before they can talk!
ReplyDeleteI taught myself how to knit without anyone teaching me. I saw other things people had knitted and thought it looked like something I would enjoy. I bought a book and struggled trying to understand the directions on how to cast on and knit different stitches, but eventually I got it. I was able to knit a few scarves as gifts and even some simple baby booties for a friend.
ReplyDeleteI've learned how to cook well without any formal teaching. When I was younger my mom would always find the time to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner and I remember watching her every move and how she prepared things when she cooked. As my parents divorced she didn’t have much time in her hands so I had to get in there and cook for me and younger sister. The first two years were very frustrating because I kept cooking the same things over and over but eventually I started cooking actual dishes rather than just eggs, rice, beans and chicken. Today I no longer cook for my sister but rather for my husband and son. A few months after moving in together with my husband he asked me how I had learned to cook so well, and until this day he still doesn’t believe that I taught myself. I don’t consider myself a great cook because no matter how hard I try my food doesn’t taste as delicious as the food my mom makes, so I know I still have a lot to learn!
ReplyDeleteI remember my kindergarten teacher making me an award for "never being afraid to do things differently," so I would say that I learned that without any specific instruction. I don't know how such a skill would be learned, but I sure am glad I acquired it. I have always found ways to approach problems differently, whether or not I would go the long way is up for debate, but I always wanted to solve things on my own. I think this part of me has followed me through the years and developed into my love of lifelong learning, which enables me to continue learning indirectly!