I'll admit that I'm a little sad that this is our last class together. I have really enjoyed my Thursday evenings this semester. To see all of the amazing work you have created makes me proud. The other reason that I'm not very excited to reach the end of the semester is that I have to grade all those TaskStream narratives ;-) However, I know that you will all do such a great job with them that there will be very little revision necessary, right? Right?
Yesterday, I started at the first assignment and worked my way up. That way, I was able to regrade any revisions. I still have to finish Journals 6-10 and the PLN assignment. You all still have to complete your iMovie PSAs, emerging tech checklists (Yes, you need the physical checklist!!), your short reflection in Attendance and Participation, Sybaloo Webmix of NETS narratives, and, alas, your final TaskStream narratives. We will take a few minutes in class to go over the checklists and Symbaloo. I hope we can embed the webmix into TaskStream!
The majority of class time tonight will be either completing/revising work, or writing your TaskStream narratives. I will try to touch base with each of you to see if you have any questions about the narratives. I realize that the majority of you are not really looking forward to writing these, but I expect that you have had enough support to complete the narratives without too much trouble. Before you leave this evening, I expect the blogs to be complete and the Symbaloo webmix to be on your blog and in TaskStream. We also have to discuss the course evaluations, which should have been mailed to your CSUSM email a week or so ago. And, and, you will be leaving this class with some mad tech skill that no one can ever take away from you. . .So you got that goin' for you, which is nice!
Final Question: What is the best thing that you will take away from this class?
This is the class blog for my EDUC 422 @ CSUSM Fall 11. I will give weekly updates, host some information about assignments,and perhaps even tell an amusing story or two.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Week 14: Almost to the Top of the Mountain!
Here we are approaching the end to a fairly awesome semester. I have been truly fortunate to have had you ladies in my class this semester. All of your hard work is going to pay off when you become the tech guru of your future schools! As such, I am really excited to do yet one more ground-breaking activity to show your proficiency in technology. Now is when you will use you newly acquired Symbaloo certification to highlight your work for TaskStream. I have created a webmix for my EDUC 578 course at USD that contains student blogs as well as the tools we used and some other exciting products the students created. It was not only fun, but the end product is very cool. Here is a link to the webmix: http://edu.symbaloo.com/mix/educ578
A few amazing things about Symbaloo as a portfolio tool: If you use a Google Doc as a tile, it will show without having to leave the page (e.g., your TaskStream narratives). If you add an RSS feed of your blog, the center of the blog will show your latest posts. The Twitter tile will function in the center as well. You can name tiles and put pictures or screenshots of your own work on a tile. And lastly, we will be able to embed the finished product into TaskStream!!
As far as this evening goes, you will be working on your iMovie PSAs and any other work you may be missing. I will discuss the final TaskStream narratives as well as go over the Symbaloo webmix that will be an impressive portfolio of some of the work you have completed for this class. I also want to apologize for being behind in grading your assignments. I have been a bit overwhelmed this semester with multiple classes and it has put me a behind in my grading. I will do my very best to get everything graded by the end of the weekend so you can fix anything that may need to be revised. Please do not hesitate to discuss any assignments that you may need help completing or are not quite understanding. I can create some time next week to come to campus on a separate day if I need to, but does this required communicating with me.
This Week's Question: What has been your favorite assignment this semester and why?
A few amazing things about Symbaloo as a portfolio tool: If you use a Google Doc as a tile, it will show without having to leave the page (e.g., your TaskStream narratives). If you add an RSS feed of your blog, the center of the blog will show your latest posts. The Twitter tile will function in the center as well. You can name tiles and put pictures or screenshots of your own work on a tile. And lastly, we will be able to embed the finished product into TaskStream!!
As far as this evening goes, you will be working on your iMovie PSAs and any other work you may be missing. I will discuss the final TaskStream narratives as well as go over the Symbaloo webmix that will be an impressive portfolio of some of the work you have completed for this class. I also want to apologize for being behind in grading your assignments. I have been a bit overwhelmed this semester with multiple classes and it has put me a behind in my grading. I will do my very best to get everything graded by the end of the weekend so you can fix anything that may need to be revised. Please do not hesitate to discuss any assignments that you may need help completing or are not quite understanding. I can create some time next week to come to campus on a separate day if I need to, but does this required communicating with me.
This Week's Question: What has been your favorite assignment this semester and why?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Week 12: In the Spirit of Giving
Tonight we will be working on our public service announcements (PSAs) for our lovely university using iMovie. If you haven't edited video before, I think you will really enjoy the process. In order for you to edit sound, you will need headphones. . .I told you all about a month ago that you should bring headphones to class. Try to remind your friends that tonight it is especially important to avoid the cacophony that will occur if too many of your peers forget.
Last week, we began the mindmaps for your TaskStream narratives. If you were on of the many who was absent, discuss with a peer what you missed. Also, there are a number of students who didn't leave a comment from last week. Even if you were absent, you can leave a comment.
There are still quite a few assignments that you are probably working on; however, after tonight, you will only have your TaskStream narratives to complete. This should give you plenty of time to catch up if you are behind and allow you to concentrate on completing your TaskStream narratives early if you are ahead. Please don't hesitate to ask me if you need any help. . .I am always in the lab early.
This week's Question: What has been your most challenging assignment in this class and why?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Week 11: Becoming One with Technology
Remember that for each of the artifacts that you put on your blog will also be connected to a NETS-T as well as contain a brief description of exactly what the artifact represents. Doing this as you go makes it a lot less painful. And don't forget to get your Symbaloo certification completed. Forward me your email and put your badge on your blog. . .We will use Symbaloo towards the end of the semester where you will showcase all of your hard work in an amazing webmix ;-)
I want to thank all of the students who volunteered at the SDCUE Fall Tech Conference. I saw Karla, Shayla, and Emily working hard to ensure the attendees had a good experience. It was a record-setting event in terms of the number of people who attended. I hope we can continue to have it on our campus for years to come!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Week 10: Three-Quarters of Awesome!
I believe that I have graded and regraded everything up through the presentation assignments. I still have the PLN and some other projects that aren't technically do yet. . .well, I actually extended the PLN assignment another week so you can all participate in a quality educational chat, which is much more important to me than an artificial due date.
Anyway, tonight, I hope we can accomplish a few things: I want the TaskStream narratives completed and ready to move to TaskStream (I will walk you through this process), discuss the Symbaloo certification and future use, and I will Introduce the CyberSafety Collaborative website assignment. It shouldn't be too painful. . .Oh, and remind me to discuss my personal PLN experience with you. . .some cool things happened in the last couple weeks. . .An remind me to discuss Google+ hangouts!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Week 9: Technology is so Ghoul!

Here are the steps:
1. Click Here to sign-up for the certification program. (I will give you the code in class)A few reminders. . . Even if you did not attend class, you need to answer the weekly question. Don't forget to check Twitter and our hashtag #ed422 to keep up on class information.
2. Click Here to access the certification website.
3. Follow the tutorials by row, check out the webinar assignment & take the webinar quiz.
4. Repeat the process until you complete the four tutorials.
5. Take the final exam.
6. Wait for your confirmation email that you have been certified. . .
7. Forward the confirmation email to me: jheil65@gmail.com
8. Celebrate your new skill by sharing with friends and family!!
Lastly, the San Diego Computer Using Educators is having the Fall Conference right here at CSUSM. I mentioned this last week, but I want to remind you again. I would also like to put out a plea for student volunteers. We have over 900 people registered for the event and there is a great need for more volunteers. If you are willing to volunteer for two hours, I would excuse one absence (keeps you from having to write any extra journals). Here is the link to the volunteer website.
This week's Question: What would be your ideal teaching job? If you are not an aspiring educator, what is your ideal job?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Week 8: Is the Class Half Empty or Half Full?
Tonight we are going to go over the Excel assignment, the PLN assignment, and I will remind you again that Journals 6-10 have started. If you are caught up on all of your work, you can probably finish the Excel assignment in class; however, you will need to BRING HEADPHONES as you will be watching a video tutorial. If not, you will be completing the assignment at home. There should also be some time to discuss TaskStream narratives and I can answer any questions the group has about the process or the content. Lastly, we can revisit the Emerging Technology Checklist and maybe learn a new trick or two for your blogs!
This Week's Question: What is the last good book your read. . .it could have been for please or something assigned to you for a class?
I am using a book called A Whole New Mind by Dan Pink for my other two classes. It is an awesome book about the need for right-brained thinking in today's Conceptual Age.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Week 7: Revenge of the Nerds
I expect that your Prezis and GoogleForm assessments are complete and you are ready to present to your peers this evening. I will ensure that everyone can get the Prezi, the assessment, and the link to the assessment results on a page of your blog. You should also have completed your Diigo, School 2.0, and journal 1-5 assignments. I will get everything graded by class time next week.
You were also to have the rough draft of your NETS I collaborative narrative complete. Tonight, we will discuss how to leave comments for your peers and how to embed links to your assignments. I will introduce the Emerging Technology Rubric/assignment as well as the PLN assignment. That should be more than enough to keep everyone busy. And, oh yeah, Journals 6-10 also begin today.
This Week's Question: Let's talk education: Should high school exit exams be a requirement to graduate high school? Why or Why not?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Week 6: Swimming Against the TaskStream?
Tonight, I want to ensure that everyone can get the Diigo Tagroll on her blog (as a tabbed page) and I might even show you how to put your newsletter on a blog page as well. I have graded everything that is due and even some things that aren't due until this evening (School 2.0 & Diigo), so please check your gradebook to see if you have any revision to do. I am also giving you a gentle reminder that the journals 1-5 is due next Friday. If you haven't completed 1-3, it is going to be more work than it should before the deadline :-(
To begin the evening, I will answer any Prezi questions that you may have and then I will show you how to use GoogleForms to create your assessment. Remember that you will be presenting these to your peers next week and they will be taking your assessment of your presentation. We will also begin to write the NETS-I collaborative narratives for TaskStream. NETS I will be completed in pairs on GoogleDocs.
It is nice to see so many people using Twitter for both questions and the posting of resources. . .Thank You!
A note to my Type A Students: Remind me to tell you about Jing as an alternative way to present the Prezi.
This Week's Question: If this class were Pass/Fail, would you try as hard? Why or why not? (it's okay to be honest, your answers will not be held against you)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Week 5: Learning to Prez-ent!
As we continue to move forward in your technology transformation, I hope that you are beginning to feel more comfortable with your skill. In an odd way, everything you learn technology wise builds your mental schema of how to work with new tools. There is a lot of overlap in what skills are required for each of the new tools you use!
You should continue the balancing act that is your workload for this class. You are tweeting, writing posts for journal articles, working on your newsletters, and oh, yea, you probably have other classes too ;-)
Tonight, we will finally get into TaskStream, but just to ensure you have accounts and that you are self-enrolled in the Local TPE. Here is the code you will need: Local TPE: 6SG3BA. Last week I discussed that I expect you to complete the Technology Self-Assessment on your own. However, I will briefly cover the requirements in class. Lastly, we will learn a new presentation tool, Prezi, that you will use to create a presentation on the NETS for Students (See link on the left). Finally, I will ensure that everyone understands how to convert their classroom newsletter to PDFs!
This Week's Question: What is your current favorite musical artist or band? Currently, I can't stop listening to Portugal. The Man, who are in fact playing at House of Blues tomorrow. . .But my all-time favorite band is Radiohead
You should continue the balancing act that is your workload for this class. You are tweeting, writing posts for journal articles, working on your newsletters, and oh, yea, you probably have other classes too ;-)
Tonight, we will finally get into TaskStream, but just to ensure you have accounts and that you are self-enrolled in the Local TPE. Here is the code you will need: Local TPE: 6SG3BA. Last week I discussed that I expect you to complete the Technology Self-Assessment on your own. However, I will briefly cover the requirements in class. Lastly, we will learn a new presentation tool, Prezi, that you will use to create a presentation on the NETS for Students (See link on the left). Finally, I will ensure that everyone understands how to convert their classroom newsletter to PDFs!
This Week's Question: What is your current favorite musical artist or band? Currently, I can't stop listening to Portugal. The Man, who are in fact playing at House of Blues tomorrow. . .But my all-time favorite band is Radiohead
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Week 4: I Tweet, Therefore I Am!
I will do my best to get the first two assignments graded. I will remind you how to access your grades in Moodle/Cougar Courses. Don't forget to answer the weekly questions and to always check the blog. The journal articles are also on the class blog. . .try and keep up. . .it will make you much happier!
This Week's Question: Who has been one of your favorite teachers, at any level, and why?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Week 3: I Can See Clearly Now, the Lights are On !
If you were able to scan your image, you will be able to use in your newsletter that you will start tonight. If not, you have time to get it done. I will also show you how to get your scan on your blog.
Lastly, you will be introduced to Twitter this week. . .Don't be afraid! I assure you, it will be fun and educational.
This Week's Question: What is something you have learned well without formal teaching? How did you learn it? This could be a sport, hobby, musical instrument, etc. .
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Week 2.1: We Lost the Power. . .
Please watch the screencast below to hopefully get caught up on class assignments the blackout caused us to miss. . .Forgive the crude audio and any screaming children that you hear in the background. Don't hesitate to email any questions or to plan on coming to class early on Thursday to get some extra help.
Please leave a comment below that you watched the video!
Please leave a comment below that you watched the video!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Week 2: Getting Your Feet Wet?
The expectation from last week was that you would create your blog and give me the address. We did fairly well, but there are still some student blogs not on the blog roll. If you need help with this, please come to class early so I can help you get your blog up and running! Remind me to talk about design, and how to incorporate your images into your blog post. I asked that you get a picture of yourself on your Moodle profile. . .While I adore babies, I really want to see a picture of you so that it will help me put names to faces at the beginning of the semester. I realize that you will also have a picture on your blog, but the redundancy helps me the redundancy helps me. . .Also, you were to subscribe to ISTE and TaskStream. . .(see survey below to give me your information)
This week, I want to discuss how to better organize your iGoogle page. You will learn about RSS, which I promise is more exciting than it sounds. I'll revisit how to comment on blogs and how to make some very cool adjustments to your existing blogs. . .We will also discuss how to submit assignments, read instructions, and some general file naming conventions. I will introduce you to the journal article and scanning assignments. And lastly, yes, you will learn how to begin to incorporate Twitter into your digital lives. . .And if I have time, we will discuss Dropbox. . .
Click Here to give me your TaskStream/ISTE information.
App of the Week: Evernote
This Week's Question: What should every teacher know about you?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Week 1: Welcome to Ed422!
to another awesome semester of EDUC 422. . .Technology Tools for
Education. By the end of this course you will learn a lot about how to integrate
technology into your classroom, as well as a few tricks and tips for how to ramp-up your
so-called digital life ;-)
will use this blog to keep everyone updated on the weekly requirements
for the course, as well as model for you how to create a blog for your
future classroom! I need you to read each entry carefully, as I will be giving away $50 a week to the person who finds the hidden gnome in this very post. . .Okay, not really, but I need everyone to read each entry ;-)
Technical Issues:
First order of business: If you do not have a Gmail Address/Account,
you need to get one! (and no, your CSUSM email does not count).
Don't worry, I have worked it out with Google to give you free email
You will be asked to join and/or participate in a number of web-based tools, software, etc. . .I recommend that you find a user name that identifies you, is appropriate for school/parents, and one that you can remember. . .
While this course has no required text, you will be required to subscribe to ISTE,
the International Society for Technology in Education (see link on
this blog), as well as purchase a subscription to TaskStream, an online
portfolio generator.
For TaskStream (also linked on this blog): You will need to self-enroll in the Local TPE.
Here are the code you will need:
Local TPE: 6SG3BA
I will also ask you weekly questions on
this blog that you will need to answer. Some are related to education
and most are related you your lives. . .It allows me to build community
while ensuring that you are reading the weekly posts!
This Week's Question: What is your current favorite piece of technology and why? (currently, I think I would have to say my iPad. . .although my quest to beat Angry Birds is almost becoming an obsession)
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